These advisories are specifically prepared for action to be taken by the Industrial units during the flood disaster, to avoid loss of lives and infrastructure , minimize economic losses and business continuity with minimum disruptions. These have been divided into two parts, advisory for the Industrial Units and Advisory for the families of the employees, including contract workers.
Advisory for Industrial Units during Floods
1. All industrial units should have a business continuity plan. Work out strategy to adopt mechanism for implementing it with changes as required, with minimum disruption.
2. Each industrial unit should have an ‘on-site’ plan and an’off-site’ plan, in conjunction with the district administration, as required under Section 40 of DM Act 2005 and as required under schedule 11 & 12 of MoEF Rules.
3. All ancillaries in the industrial unit should be kept in running condition at all times.
4. Safety of industrial infrastructure, equipment and manpower is sacrosanct.
5. In case the industrial unit has been flooded, ensure switching off of power and gas connections.
6. Alternate supply of power should be provisioned.
7. Select high end places for keeping hazardous and inflammable material.
8. If the ceiling in any building in industrial unit is wet, shut off electricity, place bucket underneath the spot and poke small hole into the ceiling to relieve the pressure.
9. Use buckets, clean towels and mops to remove as much of rain water from affected area.
10. Post disaster there is possibility of outbreak of diseases like cholera, diarrhea , typhoid, malaria and jaundice. Take precaution by inoculation where necessry.
11. Avoid undue collection of water to prevent mosquito breeding.
12. Sanitize the affected flooded area with DDT to avoid spread of water-borne diseases.
13. While walking through flooded water, use rubber gum boots and a stick to avoid falling in deep ditches or manholes.
14. Maintain proper nutrition and avoid adulteration of food.
15. Table top and mock exercises should be conducted periodically for all perceived disasters to test and operability of the plans.
Advisory for Families of Industrial Workers/Contract workers
1. Be alert for gas leaks in the house/surrounding area.
2. Turn off electricity and gas supply mains while evacuating.
3. Stay away from power lines, electric current can travel through water.
4. Report fallen power lines and live wires to electricity supply company.
5. While evacuating, pick some clothing, essential medicines, valuables and important documents.
6. Carry your emergency family kit to be self sufficient for food and water for next 24-48 hours .
7. If you have to walk in standing water, take care by using a pole or stick to ensure that you do not step into deep water, open holes or ditches.
8. Choose a telephone number or mobile number of a relative or friend outside your State and let every family member know about it.
9. Place aluminum foil between the furniture and carpets.
10. Cooperate with the rescuers for shifting to safe place/s, if ordered.
1. Do not reconnect power supply until a qualified electric engineer/electrician has tested it.
2. Do not swim through fast flowing flood water.
3. Do not walk across bridges as they may collapse.
4. Do not eat any food which has come in contact with flood water.
5. Never turn on ceiling fixtures, if ceiling is wet. Stay away from ceiling that are sagging.
6. Do not remove standing water in a basement too fast as pressure is relieved too quickly and it may put undue pressure on the walls.
7. Do not smoke or use candle, lanterns or open fire arm.
8. Do not carried away by rumors and do not spread rumors.
9. Avoid contact with flood water, it may be contaminated with sewage, oil and other substances.
10. Never use TV, VCRs and other electrical equipment while standing on wet floor, especially concrete.
11. Do not attempt to remove standing water using a vacuum cleaner.